Monday, May 20, 2019

Big Bends String Sleeves Review

Since I decided to use the tremolo on my Jackson JS22 I have encountered two problems. The first was that my tremolo was difficult to press down. The second was that my strings were starting to break at the bridge. For the first problem, I purchased Raw Vintage tremolo springs. These springs(even with all five installed) have made my tremolo much easier to press down. But, for the second problem, I still needed a solution. I thought about changing the bridge but I quickly realized that that probably wouldn't solve the problem. So I searched for solutions online. I soon discovered Big Bends String Sleeves.

What are Big Bends String Sleeves?

Big Bends string sleeves are flexible string protectors that are installed at the end of your guitar strings. They have a similar look to the insulation often found on small electrical wires inside electronics. They can be trimmed to fit your bridge and or designed to prevent your strings from breaking at the bridge. They are also designed to fit any string gauge.

What is included in the package?

Included in the package are 7 black string sleeves and installation instructions.

My experience with Big Bends String Sleeves

Installation was easy but slightly tedious. This was due to the fact that I had to have just the right length. I didn't want to risk the possibility of muted strings.
Once I got past the installation I was eager to see how long my strings would last. So I begin to use the tremolo bar as usual and observed over a period of time. After observing from the day of installation to the present moment I have found myself to be satisfied with the results. I have managed to avoid string breaks for a year and six months. I haven't had string breaks at the bridge are anywhere else. At the time of installation, I installed my usual nine-gauge Dean Markley Nickel Steel strings. Before purchasing these sleeves it would take three to four weeks(six weeks if I got lucky) for strings to start breaking at the bridge. 

After Big Bends String Sleeves have been added


Based on my experience Big Bends String Sleeves are worth purchasing. They have helped my strings last much longer than I expected. I have been surprised by the results and I will continue to purchase these if needed.